Affiliate Marketing In Zambia: An Ultimate Guide For Beginners

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Affiliate Marketing

Are you ready to learn about affiliate marketing in Zambia?  As a blogger, you know that Mastering affiliate marketing is a game changer. 

This post will delve into the world of affiliate marketing in Zambia. 

It will provide you with some valuable tips to help you make money with affiliate marketing. 

Consider this guide the one you’ve been waiting for!

Well, let’s get started now!

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

By definition, affiliate marketing is a form of performance-based marketing that compensates affiliates for each customer attracted through the affiliates’ links. 

If you’re interested in affiliate marketing, there’s no need to worry about startup costs since most affiliate programs are free to join.  

If done properly, an effective scheme for affiliate marketing can develop into a lucrative online business concept, earning you a substantial income.

In some instances, the advertiser and the affiliate rely on an affiliate network to act as an intermediary and facilitate their communication. 

The network provides the affiliates with tracking technology and reporting tools needed to promote the advertiser’s products or services. 

I must emphasize that successful affiliate marketing requires thorough planning, execution, and a comprehensive understanding of the target audience along with their preferences and needs.

Globally, affiliate marketing is an incredibly efficient and fulfilling way of generating revenue from a website or blog.  

It provides a customizable and adaptable source of income.

Focus on developing trust with your audience and providing them with valuable content. 

You can elevate yourself as a reputable authority and establish a devoted following. A following that will contribute significantly to your long-term sales and growth.

How To Start Affiliate Marketing In Zambia

Starting affiliate marketing can seem daunting in Zambia, but with the right guidance, it can be a lucrative venture.

Steps to get started:

1. Select a topic: Select a niche that piques your interest

This could be anything from cooking to fitness to technology. 

Choose something that you truly enjoy doing.

2. Sign up for an affiliate program: Find an affiliate program that meets your needs. 

Join one that is appropriate for you.

3. Start a blog: you’ll need to create a blog to promote your affiliate products. 

This blog should be focused on your niche and should provide your audience with valuable information.

4. Market your affiliate products: Once your website is up and running, start promoting your affiliate products. 

Social media, email marketing, and other advertising methods can all be used.

5. Track your results: As you promote your affiliate products, it’s important to track your results. 

This will enable you to see what is working and what isn’t, allowing you to modify your approach as needed.

Start your affiliate marketing journey in Zambia and start earning money online.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work In Zambia?

There are different important players in affiliate marketing. These players are a merchant,  an affiliate, and a consumer. 

A merchant is a company or seller that offers a product or service for sale. 

The affiliate promotes the product or service to potential buyers.

The way affiliate marketing works in Zambia is fairly simple. 

An affiliate promotes the merchant’s products or services through a unique affiliate link. 

When you click on the link provided and make a purchase, the affiliate earns a commission for that particular transaction. 

This commission varies depending on two factors. 

The product or service being sold and the commission structure agreed upon between the merchant and the affiliate.

It creates a relationship that benefits both the seller and the affiliate marketer. 

How do both benefit? 


The merchant is able to reach a larger audience by partnering with affiliates. 

While the affiliate is able to earn a commission for promoting products or services they believe in.

It’s vital to have a powerful online presence to be successful in affiliate marketing. 

A website or blog where the affiliate can promote the merchant’s products. 

Alternatively, utilizing social media platforms to reach new audiences.

Affiliate marketing is all about a seller offering a product or service – a partner advertising that product or service through a unique link, and the affiliate earning a commission on any sales that result. 

So it’s a tremendous way for both parties to benefit and constitutes a critical part of the overall digital marketing ecosystem.

Practical Examples Of Affiliate Marketing In Zambia

How affiliate marketing works in real life in Zambia:

As a wellness niche blogger with a large following, you may team up with a company in the wellness industry to endorse their products to your audience. 

You would include your unique affiliate link in your blog post or social media content, and earn a commission for each sale that is generated through your link.

Alternatively, you could establish an affiliate program and join forces with affiliates to advertise your products or services If you’re a business owner seeking to broaden your reach.

You would provide your affiliates with a unique affiliate link and offer a commission for each sale or lead that they generate.

Types Of Affiliate Marketing You Can Start In Zambia

Affiliates tend to carry a bit of a mysterious aura around them. 

You’re never quite certain if they truly care about the product or if they are solely promoting it to make money. 

Unfortunately, both scenarios still exist today. 

Pat Flynn, a respected affiliate marketer identified three types of affiliate marketing. 

By understanding these types of affiliate marketing, it becomes clear that there are many ways to generate income online in this field, regardless of whether you consider it morally sound.

The identified types:

Related affiliate marketing 

Related affiliate marketing is a type of affiliate marketing where the affiliate promotes products that are related to their own website or blog. 

For example, a website that focuses on fitness may promote health supplements or workout gear. 

Unattached affiliate marketing

Unattached affiliate marketing is a type of affiliate marketing where the affiliate promotes products that are not related to their own website or blog. 

For example, a cooking blog may promote kitchen gadgets or home decor. 

Involved affiliate marketing

Involved affiliate marketing is a type of affiliate marketing where the affiliate is actively involved in promoting the product. 

This can include writing reviews, creating videos, or providing testimonials. 

This type of affiliate marketing can be very effective because it shows the audience that the affiliate has firsthand experience with the product.

Whether you choose related affiliate marketing, unattached affiliate marketing, or involved affiliate marketing, it is important to promote products that are relevant to your audience and provide value.

How Do Affiliate Marketers Make Money In Zambia?

Affiliate marketers earn money by using a commission-based model. 

This means they will earn a commission for every sale generated through their unique affiliate link. 

The commission rate is usually a certain percentage of the sale price.

5 common methods affiliates use to make money in Zambia:

Pay per lead

In this model, an affiliate marketer is paid for generating leads for another company. 

Essentially, the affiliate marketer directs traffic to the company’s website, and the company compensates the affiliate marketer for each lead generated. 

Pay per click

In this model, the affiliate sends traffic to a merchant’s website through the display of ads on their own website. 

The affiliate is paid by the merchant for each click on the affiliate’s ad that leads to the merchant’s website.

Pay per install

This model is used by software companies that are looking to promote and distribute their software. 

Affiliates who participate in this model are paid for each installation of the company’s software that is generated by the affiliate’s efforts.

Pay per sale

In this model, the affiliate is paid a commission for any sales that are generated by the advertising efforts. 

Pay per action

In this model, the affiliate gets paid a commission for each actionable item completed. 

 As an affiliate marketer, various factors can influence your earnings.

One key factor is the commission rate you receive for each sale. 

Different programs provide varying commission rates. 

It’s crucial to research and find the programs that offer the highest commission rates.

The amount of traffic your website or blog receives is also another key factor. 

The greater potential customers you may have, the more money you can earn.

Furthermore, the niche you choose can also affect your earnings. 

Some niches are more profitable than others, and it’s essential to select a niche with high product demand.

How much money you can make as an affiliate is largely determined by the niche and your efforts. 

With hard work and dedication, you can establish a profitable affiliate marketing business and earn a substantial income.

How Affiliate Marketers Get Paid Using Payoneer In Zambia

Payoneer is a global online payment solution that empowers businesses, freelancers, and even affiliates to pay and get paid globally as easily as they do locally. 

It offers online money transfer, and digital payment services and provides customers with working capital. 

With this platform, users can send and receive payments from over 200 countries including Zambia and use their Payoneer balance to withdraw funds from ATMs or make purchases online. 

Payoneer is a secure and reliable solution that helps businesses and individuals to overcome geographical and bureaucratic barriers in a globalized world.

How To Get Paid Via Global Payment Service In Zambia

Sign up for a Payoneer account. Once an account is created, proceed to set up your Global Payment Service account. 

Here,  Payoneer expects you to choose the countries from which you want to receive payments and the currencies you want to receive those payments.

Once your Global Payment Service account is set up, you will be given a unique receiving account for each currency that you have selected to receive payments in. 

This account number can then be provided to clients or marketplaces that you work with to receive payments.

Payoneer is a payment solution that is commonly used by affiliate marketers to receive payments from companies. 

Payoneer, however, has its own pros and cons.

Pros Of Payoneer

Pros of using Payoneer for affiliate payments in Zambia

Easy to use

The Payoneer platform is easy to navigate, making it simple to receive payments from companies.

Multiple payment options

Payoneer offers multiple payment options, including bank transfers, providing flexibility when it comes to receiving payments.

Low fees

Payoneer fees are relatively low, which can save affiliate marketers money when it comes to receiving payments from companies.

Cons Of Payoneer

Cons of using Payoneer for affiliate payments in Zambia:

Limited availability

Payoneer is not available in all countries, which can make it difficult for affiliate marketers based in certain areas to receive payments using this platform.

Customer support

Some affiliate marketers have reported issues with Payoneer’s customer support team, citing slow response times and difficulty resolving issues.

Despite the cons of using Payoneer, many affiliate marketers still prefer this payment solution due to its ease of use and low fees. 

If you are an affiliate marketer looking for a reliable payment solution in Zambia, Payoneer may be a good choice for you.

Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing comes with a lot of benefits. Good benefits indeed. So what are these benefits?

Well, …

1. Increased revenue

Affiliate marketing allows you to reach a wider audience. 

By partnering with affiliates, you can access untapped markets that you may not have been able to reach alone.

2. Cost-effective

Affiliate marketing is cost-effective since you only pay for results. 

You do not have to pay affiliates for their services until a sale is made. 

3. Better SEO

With affiliate marketing, you can benefit from backlinks from high-authority websites. 

It improves your search engine rankings and drives traffic to a website.

4. Increased brand visibility

It increases brand awareness by placing your products or services in front of a larger audience. 

This leads to more referrals and increased visibility.

5. Targeted marketing

Affiliate marketing allows you to target your marketing efforts to specific audiences. 

This can help to increase conversions and ensure a better return on investment.

6. Improved customer relationships

By partnering with affiliates, you can improve customer relationships. 

Affiliates act as advocates for your brand, which can help build trust and loyalty with customers.

Cons Of Affiliate Marketing

Making money online through affiliate marketing in Zambia is good. 

But there are some cons to consider before getting involved. 

We will discuss some of the main drawbacks of affiliate marketing.

1. Commission rates can be low 

One of the biggest drawbacks of affiliate marketing is the low commission rates. 

It is difficult to earn a substantial income from affiliate marketing alone.

2. Can be time-consuming 

Another disadvantage of affiliate marketing is that it can be time-consuming. 

Finding the right products to promote, creating content, and building an audience all take time and effort. 

Affiliate marketing may not be the best option for you If you are already short on time.

3. Relationship with the merchant 

Affiliate marketing involves a relationship between the affiliate and the merchant. 

If the merchant is dishonest or unreliable, the affiliate may be left with unsatisfied customers and a damaged reputation.

4. High competition 

Finally, affiliate marketing can be very competitive. 

It can be difficult to stand out and attract customers With so many people trying to make money through affiliate marketing. 

This means that affiliates must work hard to create unique and engaging content that will attract and retain their audience.

Making money online through Affiliate marketing is a great way. 

But it is important to know its drawbacks. Understanding and preparing for these potential issues is crucial. 

You will build a successful online business out of your affiliate marketing efforts.

Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners In Zambia

Of course, there are thousands of affiliate marketing out there. 

But there are affiliate programs that are beginner friendly.

I know you are curious to know. Let me satisfy your curiosity.

Here are the best affiliate programs that beginners can join:

1. Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates is a great affiliate program for beginners, as it allows you to earn a commission on any product, not just the ones you advertise.

2. ShareASale

ShareASale is another great affiliate program for beginners. 

You will have access to different products to promote, and it’s easy to use.

3. Commission Junction

Commission Junction is a top affiliate marketing network that connects advertisers and publishers all over the world. 

You will have access to different products to promote and it has an easy-to-use platform.

4. ClickBank

ClickBank is an affiliate network that specializes in digital products.  

It’s easy to use and offers different products to promote. 

Sign up with Clickbank if you are a beginner.

5. eBay Partner Network

eBay Partner Network is another excellent choice for beginners. 

It’s easy to use and offers a wide range of products to promote.

The five programs mentioned above are all excellent choices for beginners. 

Each offers different products to promote. I know there are many great affiliate programs out there for beginners to choose from. 

But these programs are definitely worth considering whether you’re new to affiliate marketing or are looking for a new program to join.

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It In 2023?

The value of affiliate marketing in 2023 is a question on many people’s minds these days. 

Is it still valuable? Is it still profitable? 

The answer is yes! Affiliate marketing has evolved significantly since its inception. 

I foresee affiliate marketing becoming even more popular over time considering the growing number of people who use the internet and social media.

This is obvious because of its benefits. So It’s a business model widely used by smart people today. 

Affiliate marketing is a low-risk business model. But traditional businesses require significant investments before you can even begin.

With affiliate marketing, there is no manufacturing, shipping, or customer service required. Instead, you’re simply promoting someone else’s product. 

Simplify find a product that you believe in, promote it, and earn a commission when someone buys it through your link. 

Additionally, affiliate marketing is a scalable business model. 

As you gain more followers and establish a loyal audience, you can start promoting more products and increase your commission earnings. 

The more products you promote, the greater your potential earnings.

5 Best Affiliate Networks That Pay Through Payoneer In Zambia

A challenge faced by most bloggers in Zambia is limited methods of getting paid. Payment solutions like PayPal cannot be used to receive payments in Zambia. 

Zambians can only use PayPal to make purchases online.

So the only payment solution available to affiliate marketers in Zambian for receiving online payments is Payonner.

Here is a list of the best affiliate networks that pay through Payoneer.

1. Amazon Associates 

Amazon is one of the largest and most well-known affiliate programs that offer Payoneer as a payment method. 

The process of getting paid through Amazon via Payoneer is fairly straightforward. 

You need to sign up for both Amazon Associates and Payoneer. 

Once you receive approval from both programs, you can then link Payoneer to your Amazon Affiliate account. 

When it comes time to receive your earnings, Amazon will deposit your earnings into your Payoneer account. 

2. CJ Affiliate

CJ Affiliate is a popular affiliate network that allows you to promote different products and services from various merchants. 

With Payoneer, you can receive your commission payments directly to your account, eliminating the need for paper checks or wire transfers.

Consider signing up today to start receiving your payments quickly and securely if you’re not already using Payoneer.

3. ClickBank

ClickBank is one of the largest affiliate networks in the world, and it offers different products for you to promote. 

With ClickBank, you can earn commissions on sales of digital products, physical products, and even services. 

And because ClickBank pays through Payoneer, you can easily get paid no matter where you are in the world.

4. Shareasale

Shareasale is a popular affiliate network that offers a range of payment options, including Payoneer. 

If you’re an affiliate with Shareasale, you can easily set up Payoneer as your payment method.

Simply log into your Shareasale account and navigate to the ‘My Account’ page. 

From there, click on ‘Edit Payment Details’ and choose Payoneer as your payment method.

Enter your account details – email address and your Payoneer account number once you select Payoneer as your payment method.

Once you’ve entered your Payoneer details, you’re all set! Shareasale will now pay you via Payoneer for any earned commissions.

5. Rakuten LinkShare

Rakuten LinkShare is one of the most reputable and trusted affiliate networks that offer payment options via Payoneer’s Global Payment Service.

Not only does Rakuten LinkShare offer a seamless payment process, but it’s also one of the largest affiliate networks in the world, with different products and services that you can promote. 

Rakuten LinkShare has built a reputation for providing high-quality products and services to its customers.

With Rakuten LinkShare, you can rest assured that you’ll receive timely and reliable payment through Payoneer’s Global Payment Service. 

This payment option offers a direct and convenient way to receive payments from companies around the globe.

Final Thoughts

Affiliate marketing is a popular method of earning money online where individuals earn a commission by promoting other people’s products. 

Affiliate marketing involves three parties: The seller, the affiliate, and the buyer. 

The seller is the product creator or merchant, while the affiliate is the person who promotes the product. A buyer is a person who makes the purchase.

Affiliate marketing works by the affiliate promoting the seller’s products to potential buyers. 

The affiliate earns a commission for every sale made through their unique affiliate link. 

The commission rate can vary depending on the product and the agreement between the seller and the affiliate.

There are many benefits to being an affiliate marketer. 

You will earn passive income. 

Once you have set up your affiliate links, you can earn commissions on sales made long after you have made the initial promotion.

Affiliate marketing is a low-risk business model. 

There’s no need to invest any money in inventory. No need to worry about shipping or handling products. 

Also, you can promote multiple products to diversify your income streams.

Lastly, affiliate marketing is a great way to learn marketing skills. 

As a Zambian affiliate marketer, you will have to learn how to write effective product reviews and convincing sales pitches. 

These skills can be transferred to other areas of digital marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a low-risk way to earn passive income. 

It’s absolutely a great way to learn new marketing skills in Zambia. 

So sign up for an affiliate program in your niche and start promoting products today!

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