How To Make Money Online In Jamaica: Best Strategies You Need

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Make Money Online

Did you know that people make money online in Jamaica? 

Well, this is no surprise, with the convenience of the internet allowing almost anyone to be their own boss and make money online from anywhere.

Self-employment has been proven to be one of the best ways that people can make money online and is also something that’s possible for many people. 

Here we’ll explore several ways that you can use your unique skills, knowledge, or background to make money from home without investing insane amounts of capital or time.

 So, let’s get started!

18 Ways To Make Money Online In Jamaica Without Breaking a Sweat

Without money, we wouldn’t be able to buy groceries, clothes, or a place to live.  

Making money online in Jamaica isn’t as difficult as most people think. 

Practical ways you can make money online in Jamaica:

1. Start a blog

Wix homepage: make money online in Jamaica

To start with, you need to pick a blogging stage. 

There are a ton of various blogging stages and each platform has advantages and disadvantages. 

We suggest looking far and wide for the different stages accessible and picking one that works for you. 

What’s more, you ought to pick a domain name. 

After you have picked a blogging stage, it’s an ideal opportunity to pick a domain name for your blog. 

You need a domain name that is snappy and relevant to your topic. 

In addition, make certain that the domain is accessible by checking domain registries. 

Blogging allows you to express your ideas and share knowledge with the world.

It’s also an easy way to make money, as you can monetize your blog with display ads, sponsored posts, and services like Patreon.

It’ll take some time to build an audience, but with the right strategies, you’ll be able to see positive results and make money.

You can monetize a blog by displaying ads, joining affiliate programs, and selling products or services.

2. Write and sell eBooks

Amazon kindle homepage

You can write your eBook in less than a month and then, once it’s published, it will live on and potentially generate income for years to come. 

There are many different ways that you can sell your book, including using Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing, selling on your own website, or pitching to other publishers.

3. Participate in research studies

Prolific homepage:make money online in Jamaica

If you’re a student or are just trying to make a little extra cash, participating in paid research studies can be a great way to make money online in Jamaica. 

Many companies conduct research studies and then make the findings available to the public. 

While some companies conduct their own studies, others purchase the rights to existing research and resell it to their customers. 

You can find research opportunities on sites like Amazon’s MTurk, Crowdflower, or Guru.

4. Start a YouTube channel

Youtube channels: make money online in Jamaica

Starting a YouTube channel is an excellent way to make money in Jamaica and express creativity. 

It can be a great source of income and one’s creativity can be unleashed.

One should familiarize themselves with the basics of using YouTube, from uploading to following the best practices for monetization.

Video ideas could range from producing educational content to short vlogs or even tutorials that show viewers how to do something. 

It might also be beneficial to collaborate with other channels and work on promoting content.

You don’t need to have video production skills, but you do need to have something interesting and engaging to share with your audience. 

5. Promote apps and services for cash

Amazon appstore website home page
Amazon Appstore

If you have a knack for trying out new apps or using various services, you can make money by reviewing apps or services and then promoting your review through affiliate marketing. 

You can either create a written review or a video review. Then you can use your review to link back to the app or service that you’re reviewing. 

You can then use the app’s affiliate link to earn a percentage of each sale that your review generates.

6. Freelancing

website for Freelance writing jobs
Freelance Writing

If you’re good at what you do, you can make a lot of money freelancing. 

With the rise of remote job opportunities, the freelance industry has exploded in recent years. 

You have the opportunity to make your own hours, engage in the projects that most excite you, and often earn more money than you’d make in a more traditional job.  

If you’re interested in becoming a freelancer, the first step is to identify which skills you can offer clients. 

Once you’ve determined what you can offer, you’ll need to create a portfolio of your work or create a resume that highlights your experience. 

You can also look for freelance platforms to help you find clients. Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer connect you with clients all over the world. 

7. Teaching and tutoring homepage:make money online in Jamaica

 Teaching and tutoring for money can be a fantastic way to make some financial gain in your free time. 

It is based on the field or job you are in, as a tutor you can make a good living. 

In addition to this, it can offer you advancement in your career and add to your resume. 

Nonetheless, tutoring or teaching for money requires hard work and focus. 

In order to make more, you should survey competitors in the locality and set your rates accordingly. 

If you’re good at something, then you can make money by teaching it to others. 

8. Online marketing

Fiverr home page

If you’re good at marketing and have some experience building and managing online marketing campaigns, you can make money by helping companies expand their reach through online marketing channels. 

You can use sites like Upwork, Fiverr, or Contently to find companies in need of your services. 

You can also work with brands on services like affiliate marketing.

9. Virtual assistants

Site for selling services

If you have excellent administrative and organizational skills, you can make money by finding work as a virtual assistant. 

You can use sites like Upwork or Contently to find administrative work that needs to be done remotely. 

And you can also set up your own virtual assistant business, where you take on clients and manage their administrative needs. 

You can charge a fixed rate or by the hour for your services. 

You can find work through websites like Guru, Upwork, or Your Virtual Assistant, or you can build your own website to attract clients.

11. Dropshipping

AliExpress home page

If you’re passionate about fashion or want to get a head-start in the eCommerce business, you can make money by becoming a drop shipper.

 While dropshipping is a great way to make money and get started in eCommerce, it’s important to also think about your future and how you’ll scale your business to make more money online in Jamaica.

12. Sell your photography

Creativemarket homepage: make money online in Jamaica
Creative market

You’re probably not making money off your photography right now, but you could be. 

You can sell your photography on websites like Shutterstock or Creative Market, or you can use apps like Soldsie to sell your photography directly to customers through your own website.

13. Start podcasting

Buzzsprout home page

Podcasting is a great way to turn a passion or expertise into a business.  

Once you’ve created your podcast, you can submit it to iTunes and other podcasting directories so that it becomes more visible to other listeners.

First, you can use advertisements on your podcast. 

14. Audio narration home page

If you have a great voice, you can make money doing audio narration for companies that hire voice talent. 

You can find these types of jobs on places like, which is a virtual marketplace for hiring voice actors.

 Once you’ve found a job that you want to apply for, make sure to include a sample recording so that potential employers can hear what you sound like.

15. Domain flipping

Flippa home page

Domain flipping is a great way to make money if you’re good at predicting what the next trend in the internet marketing field is going to be. 

 Once you’ve found a domain that you want to flip, you can use a site like GoDaddy to resell it.

16. Translation

Proz home page

If you’re fluent in multiple languages, you can make money as a freelance translator. 

As businesses become increasingly global, there is an increasing need for translations for things such as documents, contracts, websites, correspondence, and memos. 

That is why more and more businesses are turning to professionals to handle their translation needs. 

17. Create online courses and sell

Teachable home page

You can host the course on your own website or use a third-party platform such as Udemy, Teachable, or LearnWorlds.

Once you’ve created your course, you can use social media and online marketing to promote it so that you can get more students. 

18. Invest in the stock

Robinhood home page

If you are interested in making money online in Jamaica, then you should consider investing in a stock. 

You don’t have to be a Wall Street mogul to make successful investments in stock. 

 You don’t want to throw your money into a company that isn’t worth anything. 

Next, you need to pick an investment amount that you are comfortable with losing. 

Easy Ways To Make Money Online In Jamaica

Some of the most common ways are blogging, writing, stock trading, and online jobs. 

 Blogging – If you have a knack for writing and enjoy expressing your thoughts, you can make money blogging on the internet. 

You can blog about whatever topic you choose, whether it’s about your experiences, travel, or something more specific.

 There are even websites that will let you write about your city or country, Jamaica. 

Writing – If blogging doesn’t sound like something you would enjoy, you can try your hand at freelance writing. 

If you’re a good writer, you can make a very decent living with this job. Just be careful to do your research before accepting a gig. 

Stock trading – If you have a knack for investing, you can make money online by trading stocks. 

Many online brokers offer free stock trading with a monthly subscription fee. 

With this, you can track the current stocks, make your own analysis to predict the next big thing, and earn money online by trading stocks in Jamaica. 

Tips To Make Money Online In Jamaica

Some websites are notorious for not paying their writers, data entry workers, or other employees. 

Although it may be tempting to keep your earnings hidden from the government, it’s not worth it in the long run. 

You need to be honest with yourself and with the government and also use your earnings to create a retirement fund. 

You can even make payments toward your student loans.

Executive Summary

You can start a blog, write and sell eBooks, participate in research studies, become an influencer, start a YouTube channel, or promote apps and services for cash in Jamaica.

Whether you decide to blog, become an internet marketer, or create an online course, it’s important to do your research before committing to anything.

Doing your research can help ensure that you pick a method that works well for you and brings in a steady income.

Here are the 6 best methods to get the ball rolling:

Begin by searching for freelance projects – A plethora of sites provide cash in exchange for various freelance operations, like Upwork, Fiverr,, and others. 

These pave the path for additional earnings with the freelance market.

Start a blog – When earnestly striving towards money-making online, launching a blog is one of the most popular methods to pursue. 

By setting up a blog, structuring the content according to readers, and monetizing it through advertisements, and sponsored posts, one can reach their targets.

Delving into affiliate marketing – If looking to make money online, affiliate marketing may be a feasible option. 

Partner with reliable companies. Advertise products or services through your social media network and attain commissions when followers purchase said item.

Mobile app creation and distribution – Having a creative idea and developing an app to market it can be a profitable strategy. 

Since millions of apps populate the App Store, you can create your own and then sell it.

Sell stunning photos – Selling photos online can provide more than one thinks. Through sites such as Shutterstock, iStockPhoto, and Big Stock, you are allowed to upload photos and then set the price as these sites will sell your photos to anyone interested.

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