How To Make Money Online In Tanzania:15 Best Strategies

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Make Money Online

Searching for ways to earn money online in Tanzania? You’ve come to the correct destination!

In this article, discover 15 trustworthy and successful ways to begin your online money-making trip.

With the correct abilities and determination, you can start making a secure income instantly.

Let’s get going!

15 Ways To Make Money Online In Tanzania

Tried and tested strategies:

Start a blog or YouTube channel

Do you want to make money online in Tanzania? Blogging or creating video content can be your ticket to success!

Find a niche that you love and create valuable content for your readers. On YouTube, find an engaging niche and produce quality videos to build a loyal following.

Various methods can help you monetize your blog or YouTube channel. Affiliate marketing involves promoting other people’s products on your platform. Sponsored posts involve partnering with businesses and getting paid for featuring their products or services. You can also generate revenue by placing ads on your blog or video content.

Create unique and interesting content that will captivate your audience to make it big in blogging or vlogging. Use social media platforms to promote your content. This will lead to more views and potential earnings.

In the past decade, bloggers have become successful entrepreneurs owning multi-million dollar businesses. All it takes is hard work, consistency, quality content creation, creativity, and never losing sight of your passion. Turn your writing love into a profitable career by penning articles for websites – you get paid to do what you already enjoy doing!

Write articles for websites

Crafting great website articles is an excellent method to earn income. It involves writing content for various websites. You could write about travel, finance, tech, and lifestyle, among others. Websites pay writers based on how well and how much they write. Knowing SEO and having English skills is important to do well.

To get started, find websites that are hiring writers or sign up at Upwork or Fiverr. These sites offer chances to meet clients and show writing skills. Some websites also offer programs where you can get a percentage of their ad income by submitting content regularly.

Research your topic and create content that interests readers. Having a portfolio of published pieces can help land more writing gigs. Networking with other writers and editors can lead to more opportunities.

Pro Tip: Invest in an online course or workshop to improve your writing and market yourself as a professional writer. Making money from online surveys is like playing the lottery, with less scratching and more clicking.

Do online surveys

Online Surveys are popular in Tanzania to earn money online. They involve sharing opinions about products and services with companies. This helps companies improve their offerings and give customers value.

Survey-taking tips:

  1. Sign up for top survey sites and take surveys on mobile devices.
  2. Make sure you’re eligible before starting a survey.
  3. Join multiple survey sites to get more cash.
  4. Be honest when answering.
  5. Redeem earnings through PayPal.

To make money from home by taking surveys, patience and consistency is key. Watch out for scams and don’t pay any fee upfront. Never cheat with auto-fill features or dishonest tactics – it may disqualify you from future opportunities.

A fun fact: Statista states that the global market research revenue in 2020 was $80 billion, showing the importance of survey-taking in business.

Online Tutoring

Earn extra money in Tanzania by teaching online! You can become an online tutor, by utilizing digital resources like video conferencing software. Register on eLearning platforms and create a profile, highlighting your area of expertise and fees.

To take it up a notch, build your own website from scratch or use DIY website builders. Select appropriate academic subjects based on your expertise and communicate effectively with students. Online Tutoring offers convenience and flexibility and is a great way to earn money while empowering others! It’s like being Batman, but instead of fighting crime, you’re tackling admin tasks from your Batcave!

Become a virtual assistant

For those seeking to work from home becoming a virtual assistant is a fantastic choice. You can help clients with communication management, customer service, data entry, bookkeeping, or social media management – whatever your skillset is!

To start out in Tanzania, create a profile on freelance sites such as Upwork or Fiverr. Network via LinkedIn to make connections and grow your network. You can also attend business conferences and events to meet potential clients.

Pro Tip: Consider offering specialized services like bilingual support, or focus on serving specific industries like healthcare or finance.
Incorporating this will distinguish you from your competitors. If you’d rather avoid human interaction, why not turn your ears into cash with transcription?

Transcribe audio and video files

Converting audio and video files into written form is in demand in today’s digital world. Transcription is the process of listening to an audio or video and writing out what is said. This service is used in media, entertainment, education, legal and medical fields. Guide to getting started with this money-making opportunity:

  1. Choose a reliable transcription software.
  2. Listen to the audio or video several times and use the software to write the spoken words.
  3. You’ll need fast typing skills.
  4. Check any unclear words and research their spellings.
  5. Proofread your transcription and make corrections.
  6. Submit your transcript to your client.

Transcription offers flexibility as you can do it from home. You’ll need reliable internet and audio editing skills.

Pro Tip: Maintain confidentiality when dealing with clients to protect both your and your client’s privacy.

Take online tests

Satisfy your exam-taking desires by discovering the possibilities of making money with online tests. Here are some ideas to start earning online:

  • Sign up for sites that pay for general knowledge and proficiency tests.
  • Look for companies that give paid market research surveys and exams.
  • Join virtual queuing services as a tester and earn per session by testing webpages, user interfaces, and new features.
  • Offer tutoring services, assist students with their exam preparation, and do practice quizzes online.

Tip: Don’t wait to start developing your skills in topics covered in exams. This will enhance your exam-taking capability.

Due to the pandemic, many activities have gone digital, including exam-taking. To stay up to date with job postings, browse Tanzania Jobs Online often to avoid missing out on exam-taking opportunities.

Start now! Microtasks are great for those who are good at clicking buttons or watching videos in Tanzania.

Do online microtasks

Individuals in Tanzania can earn money online by using crowdsourcing. Microtasks, such as watching videos, completing surveys, and data entry, pay on a per-task or per-project basis.

Translation, transcription, or content creation roles may require advanced skills and language knowledge.

Businesses are now turning to crowdsourcing to save costs and meet customer demands. Online micro-tasking sites like Amazon Mechanical Turk and Fiverr have emerged, connecting individuals with small remote jobs.

Microtasks are great for busy people, as you can accomplish tasks in your spare time without investing much time or effort.

Trading goods and services for monetary compensation isn’t new, but the scale and frictionless nature of transactions through crowdsourcing websites are. Mystery shoppers can get paid to play detective and shop without guilt!

Become a mystery shopper

Sign up for shadow tasks with market research firms and complete assignments at designated stores or locations. Record observations precisely – what you see and buy – then submit reports.

Participating in mystery shopping brings awareness to the industry and provides important connections.
The Mystery Shopping sector in the United States is projected to experience a 5.1% expansion from 2020 to 2027According to

Put your business skills to the test in Tanzania! Sell your wares online – no physical store is needed, just an internet connection and a lot of hard work.

Sell products online

The web has created a multitude of chances to make money by utilizing tech and e-commerce. Tanzanians can now sell their items online for a benefit. Here are some methods for making cash from your products on the web:

  • Have an online store – Make a website that displays your products and makes it simple for customers to buy them from you.
  • Join an e-commerce site – Sites like Jumia and Kilimall offer access to millions of customers in Tanzania and Africa.
  • Dropshipping – Connect with suppliers and producers who will manage the inventory, shipping, and sales while you promote their items on your website or social media.
  • Auctions – Join websites such as eBay or Amazon that provide global exposure, allowing companies to contact shoppers in other countries.
  • Advertise Your Products on Social Media – Use platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest, share photos of your products, and include links that direct people back to your online store or e-commerce site.

By using any of these techniques to sell your products online, significant incomes can be acquired. In addition, this will allow business owners to test new markets, and reach more customers than just physical stores.

The act of purchasing items online has become a crucial aspect of daily life. Tanzanian entrepreneurs have also seen this trend and decided to provide online shops as well as drop shipping of designer brands.

Did you know: The total value of B2C e-commerce sales in Tanzania is anticipated to exceed $270 million by 2023? Earn money for your gifts without ever leaving home by freelancing your skills online in Tanzania.

Freelance your skills

Are you a skilled Tanzanian? Discover great ways to monetize your expertise and offer freelance services through online job boards. You can find many options for specialized talents, like copywriting, coding, design, and translation work.

Develop your reputation on these job boards by delivering quality projects and communicating with clients. Popular freelance sites include Upwork,, Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour. Use social media platforms like LinkedIn to network and find new clients or partners.

Use your knowledge of Swahili or other African languages to provide translation or transcription services. Demand for African language skills is huge due to their rarity. Offer custom content creation services in Swahili for blogs, websites, or documents.

According to one report, Tanzania has the highest mobile money usage rates in Africa. Consider accepting digital payments when offering freelance skills as it could create more job opportunities.

Who needs a physical storefront when you can start an online business and sell your wares while in your pajamas?

Start an online business

Discover the possibilities of creating your own online business and making money as an entrepreneur in Tanzania! With the internet and emerging technologies, starting an online business has never been simpler.

Tanzanians can take advantage of this chance to make money through legal businesses such as e-commerce stores, freelancing services, content creation platforms, or technology solutions.

You could build websites that bring profits through digital products such as e-books, music, or videos. Or, try affiliate marketing to get commissions from recommending other people’s products. Moreover, you may provide online tutoring services or write product reviews and host them on your website.

Furthermore, many other online business ventures do not require much money to start. These include social media consulting and graphic design services. So, if you want to earn money in Tanzania, by doing something you love, explore the digital entrepreneurial world with self-assurance!

Start today by finding out a market gap that has yet to be exploited but with high potential. Whether you sell homemade crafts or particular products – seize this opportunity to launch your own start-up! With the correct plan and performance, you have the chance to make unlimited money if you go for your dream without hesitation! Invest in cryptocurrency too – because you can never be too poor to join a blockchain.

Invest in cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency investment in Tanzania can be highly lucrative. Blockchain technology creates a secure, decentralized system for financial transactions. Investing with the right strategy and timing can bring huge rewards.

Research market trends, understand risks, and choose the right platform or exchange to buy/trade Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Ripple. Diversify investments, don’t put all eggs in one basket.

Keep up with regulatory changes and news in the industry. This can help make informed decisions when buying/selling cryptocurrencies.

Start researching today, and take calculated risks for a chance at monetary gains. Make your financial dreams a reality, but remember, success may come with a cost.

Trade stocks or forex

If you want to make money online in Tanzania, consider trading stocks or forex. Buy and sell stocks or foreign currencies based on trends. Check out this table for details:

AspectStock MarketForex
RiskHighVery High
VolatilityModerate – HighVery High
ReturnsHigh Potential Returns, not GuaranteedVery High Potential Returns, not Guaranteed

Stay informed about economic news and politics for market trends. Research and analyze before trading. Take risks. The Forex market is very volatile. Be willing to take risks. Invest with caution. Don’t miss out!

Win online prizes

Seeking to up your income in Tanzania? Participating in online sweepstakes and contests could bring you some extra cash and prizes.

  • One way to gain rewards is by entering legit sweepstakes that provide money or merch.
  • You can also take part in surveys and focus groups offering incentives like gift cards and discounts.
  • Social networks such as Facebook and Instagram often host competitions with prizes – just follow the rules.
  • And, join gaming sites for paid tournaments with grand prize pools.

Though there’s no guarantee to win, these contests provide Tanzanian residents a chance to have fun and make extra bucks. Don’t hesitate to jump in! Read the rules, obey the guidelines, and enter daily – maybe you’ll get lucky!

Final Thoughts

There are several strategies to make money online in Tanzania. From freelancing and online surveys to e-commerce and affiliate marketing, the opportunities are vast and diverse. However, making money online requires virtues like dedication, hard work, and patience.

It may take some time to see significant results, but with the right mindset and strategies, anyone can succeed in earning an income online. Additionally, it is crucial to prioritize safety and avoid scams by thoroughly researching and vetting any online opportunities before investing time or money.

With these tips in mind, Tanzanians can explore the world of online entrepreneurship and potentially achieve financial freedom.

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