Teachable Affiliate Program Review: How To Make $1,000/Month

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Affiliate Marketing

Have you ever heard of the Teachable affiliate program? 

This program can be a great source of extra income, offering the potential to make up to $1,000 per month. 

Read on to learn how.

Teachable is a pleasant online learning platform that allows tutors, businesses, and organizations to fabricate and deliver instructional courses to their students. 

Teachable offers numerous features like file hosting, test construction, certificates, and so forth. 

What makes Teachable shine compared to other course-creating platforms is the massive range of features it gives. 

Additionally, it is simple to begin and personalize, without any technical skill. 

Teachable simple-to-use interface makes it super simple to develop and organize courses.

What Is The Teachable Affiliate Program?

This is an incredible way to earn a commission while promoting the courses and products of one of the best learning platforms available. 

With the program, you can become an affiliate of Teachable and start promoting their courses and products. 

The commission may be a percentage of the sale or a fixed amount, depending on the deal that you have made with Teachable. 

You can market the courses and products on your website and any other channels you have access to. 

You can create your own affiliate program page on your website to start promoting the courses and products of the company. 

And you will be able to track the performance of your affiliate program with the help of the detailed reporting feature. 

It is an incredible way to earn money online while promoting the courses and products of one of the best learning platforms available.

How Does The Teachable Affiliate Program Work?

You’ll need to create an account that offers a range of ads and promotional materials. 

Through this program, you are able to generate affiliate links for specific courses. 

After that, you’ll be able to track the success of your campaigns with the Teachable dashboard. 

Those affiliate links and marketing materials can garner commissions for sales you directly land and for associated merchants.

Read also: Tula affiliate program review

Commission rate 

The commission rate for affiliates is 50%, which means you will receive 50% of whatever someone pays for a course referred by you. 

Cookie duration

The program offers users an easy way to get compensated per referral by using cookies that last for 90 days. 

How To Make Money With Teachable Affiliate Program

The key to making money through the affiliate program is to promote their products to your audience. 

You can write a blog post or article about the Teachable product and link to it with your affiliate link. 

Spread the word about your product in a more organic and personal way! 

Promote your offering on social media, upload fascinating video content to YouTube, and connect with your customers by sending out email campaigns.

You will be compensated based on the total sales that come from your affiliate link. 

Every sale you make earns you a commission.

In order to make the most money from this affiliate program, it is important to find the right balance between promoting the product and giving good reviews. 

People appreciate reading genuine reviews, so be honest and objective when providing feedback that accurately reflects your experience with the product.


The program provides many great benefits, such as access to certified courses, referral bonuses, and even discounts on courses. 

Here are six benefits of joining the affiliate program: 

1. Bonuses – They provide generous bonus incentives for successful referrals. 

Bonuses range in value from $10 for each sale up to a whopping $150. 

2. Certified Courses – As part of the program, affiliates receive access to certified courses from the popular learning platform. 

Not only do affiliates save on course costs, they can also gain important knowledge that helps them to thrive in their fields. 

3. Discounts – Affiliates have access to different discounts on products, services, and more. 

This makes it easy to save money when buying supplies and products. 

4. Referral program – The referral program lets affiliates earn extra money when people purchase courses using their referral link. 

5. Increased exposure – As an affiliate, you’ll get increased exposure to your target audience. 

You’ll be able to expand your reach and engage with new potential customers. 

6. Support – You’ll receive ongoing support from the Teachable team. 

This includes help with marketing, technical questions, product suggestions, and more. 


First, the program is only available to those who are in the United States. 

This can be a major downside for people looking to make money from their global audiences. 

Fourth, there are some commissions that the program does not pay out. 

This means that it is important to research the product and see what kind of commissions are available before signing up. 

While there are some cons to joining the affiliate program, there are also plenty of pros that should be considered before signing up. 

The Teachable team is always available to help affiliates and provide advice when it comes to getting started. 

How To Get Started With The Affiliate Program

Getting started with the program is simple. 

Simply create an account and then apply. Once you’ve been accepted, you will be given a unique affiliate link that you can share to promote the Teachable courses. 

You’ll earn a commission for every new sale that occurs through your link! 

When it comes to the commission structure, Teachable pays out 50% of the course sale total for each new sale you generate. 

That means that if someone purchases a course through your link and they paid $100, you would get paid $50. 

This payment is sent out each month and you can track your commissions in your account dashboard. 

Actionable tips to help you succeed with this program. 

First, make sure that you’re promoting relevant products that your audience can benefit from. 

Secondly, share your affiliate link often through emails and social media to ensure that it gets seen. 

How To Track Your Earnings

Once you’ve got your affiliate link set up and running, the next step is to track your earnings. 

Fortunately, Teachable makes it easy to do this through their online dashboard, which allows you to view detailed reports of your affiliate program performance. 

To access your dashboard, log in to your account and select the “Affiliates” tab from the menu. 

Here, you’ll have all the information you need at your fingertips, including your total sales, total affiliate earnings, and other important metrics. 

Who Should Join Teachable Affiliate Program? 

Marketers are perfect candidates for this Program. 

They have the ability to create persuasive strategies and campaigns to reach potential users. 

Plus, they can leverage their existing customer base to promote Teachable’s products and services.

Bloggers are also a great fit for the Teachable affiliate program. 

They possess the skill to articulate words in a way that facilitates a meaningful bond with the readers, resulting in an increased likelihood of successful conversions. 

Plus, they can easily write reviews and share their experiences to promote Teachable’s products and services.

Finally, website owners can get a lot out of the affiliate program. 

They have the ability to incorporate Teachable’s products and services into their websites by creating affiliate links. 

Plus, they can use their existing website traffic to generate leads.

Overall, anyone interested in earning revenue through affiliate marketing should consider joining the affiliate program. 

How To Make $1,000/Month With Teachable Affiliate Program

You can really take advantage of your network and contacts to make a nice sum for yourself each month with the assistance of the affiliate program. 

With the best strategies, effort, and effort, you can scale your income even better and continue to grow your business. 

If you’re all ready to begin your journey of making $1,000 a month with the affiliate program, sign up asap!

Tips For Maximizing Your Earnings 

Maximizing your income with the affiliate program is a great way to increase your income. 

Here are five tips for you to get the most from the affiliate program: 

First, build your knowledge of the program. 

Read up on the fundamentals, ask questions in related forums, and don’t be afraid to do your due diligence and fully comprehend what the program can do for you. 

Second, only promote related material. 

When you’re focusing on advertising the Teachable, make sure that the material you’re sharing or creating is relevant and interesting to potential customers. 

Showcasing irrelevant items won’t help you increase your earnings and may even affect your status as a Teachable affiliate. 

Third, make use of the available resources. 

Ensure you take advantage of the resources on hand – such as promotional banners – and get the full benefit of the discounts and coupon opportunities.

Fourth, keep an eye on your earnings and performance. 

To reap the most from the Program, you need to be able to track and measure your success. 

This will show you which campaigns and strategies deliver the best outcomes and which are not so effective. 

This data can be used to regularly improve your work and make sure you’re taking full benefit of the program. 

Finally, stay organized and be social. Keep everything organized and become a regular on the forums. 

Follow all the recent trends and news. 

Ways To Promote Their Affiliate Program

Are you trying to make money as an affiliate of Teachable? 

If so, then there are some great ways to promote their affiliate program. 

Here are five ways to get started with your Teachable affiliate program promotion: 

1. Start a blog – Having a blog is a great way to drive traffic to your Teachable affiliate link. 

You can write about topics that are related to teaching online or about any subject that interests you. 

You can also include content about other affiliate programs and products that you think may be useful for teachers.

2. Write guest blog posts – Make sure to include a link to your Teachable affiliate link in the blog post. 

3. Participate in forums – Get involved in different online forums related to teaching online or courses offered by Teachable. 

Not only can you help other people by answering their questions, but you can also promote your Teachable affiliate link by providing helpful content.

4. Offer a free course – This may be one of the best ways to get people to sign up with your Teachable affiliate link. 

Offer a free course through Teachable that teaches people something related to teaching. 

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