How To Make Money Online In Malawi: 16 Strategies That Work

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Make Money Online

Thinking about how to make money online in Malawi?  

Making money online in Malawi is easier than ever these days. 

Whether you’re looking to make a few hundred extra dollars per month or build a full-time hustle, there are plenty of ways to make money online in Malawi. 

You’ve come to the right place. 

And it’s not just English-speaking Westerners who are taking advantage of this opportunity – remote workers in places like Malawi have been excelling at digital work for some time now. 

Intentionally operating as a remote worker can open up all kinds of possibilities when it comes to making money online. 

Read on to learn how!

16 Strategies To Make Money Online In Malawi Without Breaking a Sweat

You don’t need to have a lot of money upfront to start making money from home. 

However, some of these methods may require that you invest time rather than cash upfront. 

Here are the different ways you can begin making money online from home in Malawi today:

1. Develop a game app and make money from ads

If you’re able to create a game that people actually want to play and download, you can make a good chunk of change from the ads that are displayed while people are playing. 

What’s great about this kind of app-based income is that it scales easily. 

You don’t have to take any extra steps to monetize the new app; the ads will start making money as soon as people start downloading it.

Read also: Shareasale affiliate program

2. Make money with online surveys In Malawi

If you’re able to find the right survey site, you can make a steady stream of money from online surveys. 

Many of these companies will actually send you a check in the mail, so there’s no need to worry about cashing out through an online medium. 

Amazon’s survey service is one of the better-known examples of paid survey sites. 

3. Start blogging

It offers more flexibility than other methods, with low costs and easy ways to start. 

If you’re just starting out with blogging, you should definitely consider using a hosted platform like WordPress or Blogger. 

 It’s all been taken care of for you!

4. Dropshipping

For those who haven’t heard of it before, dropshipping is where you don’t keep any product in stock, but rather buy products on demand and ship them directly to the customer. 

You make money when the item is sold, and you don’t have to worry about keeping or storing it. 

If you’re looking for products to drop ship, Amazon FBA products are a great place to start. 

You don’t have to worry about buying the items or shipping them out – Amazon does all of that work for you. 

Since most of the work is done by Amazon, there’s not much effort required on your part. 

It’s a great way to make money if you’re just getting started with online work.

5. Virtual assistant work

If you’re able to find the right fit, you can make a great amount of money working as a virtual assistant.

Companies use virtual assistants for any number of things – anything from scheduling appointments to answering emails to completing research projects. 

If you’re able to find a company that wants to outsource work to you, you can make a nice side income from the work. 

It’s important to remember to keep track of your hours, so you can accurately report your earnings each week.

6. Affiliate marketing in Malawi

You’re not selling the product directly, but rather earn a commission for bringing new customers to the product. 

There are several different affiliate marketing networks out there, and some of the most popular are Amazon, ShareASale, and Commission Junction. 

To succeed with affiliate marketing you’ll need to find a product to promote that has a high number of sales per month. 

You’ll want to find a niche that’s not overcrowded, so you can stand out from the crowd and make more sales.

7. Writing and translation

If you’re a strong writer, you can make money working for a translation company. 

Many translation companies hire freelancers to translate documents from one language to another. 

There are several websites that will connect you with potential clients, such as Upwork and Translators Cafe. 

If you’re fluent in multiple languages, you have a vast opportunity to make money online.

8. Teaching English online

There are tons of websites that offer this type of teaching work, like, VIPKid, and EnglishCentral. 

Most websites will require you to apply and be approved to teach, and you’ll be expected to provide your own materials, like a computer and a quiet place to work with minimal distractions.

9. Participate in paid product testing

If you’re willing to try new products (or eat food, in some cases), you can make money by doing product testing. 

This is a great way to make easy money online in Malawi. 

There are several websites that pay people to do product testing, like Product Testing Central and Product Testing Club. 

These websites will have specific projects that you can apply for, and the product companies will decide if you’re selected.

10. Commissions and co-op games

If you’re a gamer, you can make money by participating in co-op games, where you’ll play a game to help other players earn rewards. 

Companies like Prima Games and Strategy Guides will pay you to play certain games and write strategy guides or walkthroughs while you play. 

 You can find the right game to play and how to make money by writing strategy guides by searching through websites like Cogia or Gamer Connect.

11. Voice acting for cash

If you’re a skilled voice actor, you can make money by recording short auditions for clients who need voice-overs for their commercials or other content. 

12. Become an Amazon FBA seller

First, we’ll look at how you can make money from home by becoming an Amazon FBA seller. 

Amazon FBA stands for “fulfillment by Amazon.” It’s a program where you can buy inventory, and Amazon will store, pick, pack, and ship your items for you. 

You can then use Amazon’s Seller Central platform to list the items for sale.  

You can also boost your income by signing up to be an Amazon affiliate.

13. Start an online business

Next, let’s look at how you can get started with an online business.  

Each of these comes with its own benefits, risks, the required level of skill, financial investment, time commitment, and upfront costs. 

You’ll need to do your research and find a business model that fits your interests and level of skill.

14. Become an influencer

Become an influencer! Are you a trendsetter who loves to shop? 

Consider joining the affiliate marketing programs of your favorite retailers. 

Upload pictures of your latest hauls, create videos of product reviews, and share them with your followers. 

Creating engaging content that gets people excited about the products you love is a great way to make money from home. 

Become a YouTuber or vlogger. 

Do you love to create content and do you have a large following? Partner with brands who want to reach your audience. 

You could join the YouTube Partner Program or join the Amazon Affiliates Program and make a percentage when people click on your links and make a purchase.

15. Invest in the stock

Many brokerages are now offering virtual trading platforms that allow you to buy stocks online from anywhere. 

You can start small and choose from hundreds of low-cost stocks. 

Over time, you can build a nice nest egg that you can live off of by cashing out when the market is high.

16. Start flipping domains

When you buy a domain that’s out of use, resale it and make it profitable. 

You can find domains for sale on sites like Flippa or GoDaddy Auctions. 

Start with a keyword that has a low competition level and high monthly search volume. 

Research the competition and decide on a price. Once you find a buyer, transfer the domain and start the process all over again.

Easy Ways To Make Money Online In Malawi

Now that you know the different ways you can make money from home, let’s take a look at the easy ways to make money online in Lebanon. 

Affiliate marketing – This is one of the best ways to make money online as you are promoting someone else’s products. 

You can promote almost anything these days as long as it’s legal. 

Data entry – With data entry, you can make money while you’re at home and doing other things. 

Become a virtual assistant – You can work remotely as a virtual assistant. 

You can help people with administrative tasks, such as email management, scheduling, and reviewing documents.

Tips On How To Make Money In Malawi Successfully

Market. Find out what products or services people in your niche are buying. 

What is their biggest problem? What are their pain points? And what are their desires? 

Narrow down your niche – Once you’ve done your research, narrow down your niche and find your sweet spot. 

Learn how to market – The Internet is a vast place, but who says that you have to go after everyone? 

Focus on one small segment of the market, develop your marketing and sales funnel, and grow from there.  

Be patient – It might take time to really find your groove when it comes to making money online. 

Patience is key, and you’ll get there if you work hard and stay consistent.

Make sure you’re trying a lot of different things when it comes to making money online. 

Don’t get stuck in a rut, and don’t be afraid to fail. 

Executive Summary

You don’t need to have a lot of money upfront to start making money from home in Malawi. 

The next time you’re looking for ways to make a little extra money, why not consider one of the ways listed above? 

Whether you’re interested in Amazon FBA, starting an online business, or becoming an influencer, there are many ways to make money from home in Malawi..

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