How To Make Money Online In Pakistan: Practical Tips

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Make Money Online

In today’s digital era, everyone can make money online from home in Pakistan. 

Pakistan’s increasing digital infrastructure and tech-savvy populace are no exception. 

Pakistan has several internet options to create money for students, stay-at-home parents, and others. 

This guide will assist you navigate the digital world and identify the ideal financial opportunity, whether you’re a seasoned internet entrepreneur or just starting out.

15 Ways To Make Money Online In Pakistan

We present actionable ways to make money online Pakistan. 

Well, let’s get started now!


Pakistanis are freelancing more since it gives numerous ways to get money. Freelancers may now collaborate with customers worldwide thanks to technology.

Equipment needed

Computer/Laptop: Freelancers need a trustworthy PC or laptop with decent internet. It needs job-related software and tools.

Headphones: Client calls and meetings need high-quality headphones.

Backup Power: UPSs and generators provide continued operations during power interruptions.

Skills needed

Communication Skills: you must be able to communicate with customers to understand and meet their needs As a freelancer.

Time Management: To fulfill project deadlines, freelancing demands time management skills.

Technical Skills: You should have software development, graphic design, content writing, and other technical abilities for the position.

Ways to make money

Freelance platforms: Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, and others link freelancers with international clientele.

Networking: Networking helps freelancers establish client connections and uncover new possibilities to make money online in Pakistan.

Personal website: Showcase your expertise and attract customers with a personal website.

Online Tutoring

Online tutoring has become increasingly important in Pakistan, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, as it allows students to continue their education from the safety of their homes. 

Equipment needed

Computer/Laptop: A reliable computer or laptop with a good internet connection is a must-have for online tutoring. 

It should be equipped with the necessary software and tools required for teaching online.

Headset: A good quality headset with a microphone is essential for clear communication with students during online sessions.

Whiteboard/Marker: A whiteboard or a marker board is useful for illustrating concepts and solving problems for the students.

Skills needed

Teaching skills: Online tutors should be able to properly explain ideas and engage students in interactive sessions.

Technical skills: You should know online tutoring platforms, screen sharing, and video conferencing.

Time management: Online tutors must organize lessons, schedule sessions, and fulfill deadlines.

Ways to make money

Online tutoring platforms: Chegg, TutorMe, and Preply are online tutoring systems that link tutors with students worldwide.

Social media: Promote your tutoring services on Facebook and Instagram to attract pupils.

Personal website: A personal website may attract pupils and highlight your teaching expertise.

Read also: How to make money online for beginners


Pakistan bloggers use blogs to express their views and ideas, share their expertise, to earn money online interact with a worldwide audience.

Equipment needed

Computer/Laptop: A reliable computer or laptop with a decent internet connection is essential for blogging. 

Camera: For blog images and visual material, a decent camera is important.

Microphone: Podcasts need a high-quality microphone.

Skills needed

Writing skills: As a blogger, you should be able to produce entertaining and informative blog entries, utilize accurate language and punctuation, and clearly communicate your views.

Research skills: You must be able to study and acquire information on numerous themes to produce insightful and factual blog entries.

Creativity: Blogging demands creativity to provide engaging material.

Ways to make money

Advertisements: Google AdSense helps monetize your site.

Affiliate marketing: You get a commission for every sale made via your referral link in affiliate marketing.

Sponsored content: Writing blog posts or other promotional material for businesses or corporations might earn you money online in Pakistan.

Affiliate Marketing

In Pakistan, affiliate marketing allows anyone to earn commissions by advertising products or services using their unique referral link.

Equipment needed

Laptop/Computer: Affiliate marketing requires a reliable laptop or computer with a strong internet connection. 

It should have affiliate marketing software such a web browser, email client, and social media accounts.

Website or blog: A website or blog is vital for advertising affiliate products and services since it gives a platform for developing content and driving traffic to affiliate links.

Social media accounts: Promote affiliate goods and services on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach more people.

Skills needed

Marketing skills: Affiliate marketers must be able to identify target consumers, build efficient marketing strategies, and promote products and services via numerous channels.

Writing skills: You need strong writing abilities to write engaging material for your website or blog.

Communication skills: Affiliate marketers must communicate well with merchants to negotiate compensation rates.

Ways to make money

Commission-based: Affiliate marketing pays a portion of sales generated via your referral link. 

The merchant’s affiliate program and marketed product determine the commission rate.

Pay-per-lead: Some merchants provide pay-per-lead (PPL) affiliate programs, which pay you for every lead or sign-up produced via your affiliate link.


Pakistan is rapidly using YouTube to create and share video content, gain a following, and make a living.

Equipment needed

Camera: A good camera is important for making high-quality videos.

Microphone: For clear video audio, a decent microphone is needed.

Video editing software: Software is required for video editing and post-production. 

For example, Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro.

Skills needed

Content creation: YouTubers should be able to make fascinating and engaging videos.

Communication: To establish a dedicated audience, you need effective communication abilities.

Marketing skills: Use social media, partnerships, and SEO to promote your videos and develop your channel (SEO).

Ways to make money

Advertisements: Displaying Google AdSense adverts on your videos and collecting cash from views or impressions helps monetise your YouTube channel.

Sponsorships: Create sponsored content or promote businesses to get money via sponsorships.

Merchandise: Sell branded t-shirts, mugs, and phone covers to your committed fans.

Social Media Management

In Pakistan, social media is vital for marketing and brand promotion. 

Businesses and individuals may boost their online visibility and engagement through social media management.

Equipment needed

Computer: To properly manage social media accounts, you need a strong CPU and enough Memory.

Social media management software: Hootsuite and Buffer are crucial for scheduling posts, evaluating stats, and managing many accounts.

Skills needed

Social media marketing: You should know how to create content, manage communities, and advertise on social media.

Communication skills: Strong communication skills are needed to interact with customers and consumers on social media.

Analytics: To maximize social media strategy, you need to examine social media data like engagement rates, follower growth, and reach.

Ways to make money

Monthly retainers: You may charge customers for social media management, content creation, and analytics.

Project-based fees: Charge clients for social media campaigns like product launches or seasonal promotions.

Commission-based fees: Promote brands and businesses on social media to earn commission-based payments.

Virtual Assistant

Virtual assistance has become increasingly important in Pakistan as it provides individuals and businesses with remote administrative, technical, and creative assistance. 

Here’s how to get started as a virtual assistant:

Equipment needed

Computer: A computer with a good processor and sufficient RAM is necessary for working remotely.

Internet connection: A stable and reliable internet connection is essential for virtual communication and remote work.

Communication tools: Video conferencing and instant messaging need communication technologies like Skype or Zoom.

Skills needed

Administrative skills: As a virtual assistant, you should have strong administrative skills, such as email management, scheduling appointments, and data entry.

Technical skills: You should have technical skills, such as using project management tools, social media management, and website maintenance.

Communication skills: You should have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, to interact with clients and colleagues remotely.

Ways to make money

Hourly rate: You may charge customers an hourly cost for administrative help, social media management, and graphic design.

Monthly retainer: You can offer monthly retainer packages for ongoing services, such as website maintenance, bookkeeping, or customer service.

Project-based fees: You can charge clients project-based fees for specific projects, such as creating a website or developing a marketing strategy.


Pakistan companies and entrepreneurs are increasingly using e-commerce to offer products and services online for money.

Equipment needed

Website: You need a user-friendly, attractive website to sell online.

Payment gateway: You need a secure payment gateway.

Shipping & delivery: You need a reliable shipping company to deliver your products on schedule.

Skills needed

Marketing skills: Marketing abilities are needed to promote, reach, and sell products.

Customer service skills: To guarantee client satisfaction and resolve difficulties, you need exceptional customer service abilities.

Technical skills: You require technical abilities to operate your website, payment gateway, and other e-commerce tools.

Ways to make money

Sell physical products: You may sell clothes, accessories, and gadgets on your e-commerce website.

Sell digital products: Your e-commerce website may sell e-books, software, and online courses.

Dropshipping: You sell products on your website, but the supplier ships them straight to customers.

Online Surveys

Pakistan firms are increasingly using online surveys to gain client feedback, enhance their goods and services, and make educated business choices.

Equipment needed

Computer or mobile device: Online surveys need a computer or mobile device with internet access.

Skills needed

Communication skills: You need communication skills to answer survey questions clearly.

Time management: To finish surveys on time, you require time management abilities.

Ways to make money

Paid surveys: Websites and applications pay you for your ideas and comments.

Survey panels: You may join demographically and interest-based survey panels.

Recommend friends: Referring friends and family to surveys earns you money online in Pakistan.

Online Content Creation

Online content creation has become increasingly important in Pakistan as more businesses and individuals turn to digital platforms to communicate their messages and reach a wider audience. 

Equipment needed

Computer or mobile device with internet access: To create and publish online content, you need a computer or mobile device.

Software and tools: To create and publish online content, you may require graphic design, video editing, and content management systems.

Skills needed

Writing skills: You need good writing skills to write engaging blog posts, articles, and social media content.

Creativity: New content ideas need creativity.

Technical skills: You require technical abilities to produce and edit images, movies, and other multimedia content.

Ways to make money

Google AdSense: Monetizing your online content with Google AdSense may generate ad income.

Sponsored content: Provide content for brands and enterprises to make money.

Affiliate marketing: Promoting goods and services on your online platforms and earning a percentage on purchases via your affiliate links is affiliate marketing.

Stock Photography

As Pakistan’s creative industries flourish, stock photography has become more significant. 

High-quality photos for websites, ads, and social media are needed by Pakistani businesses and people. 

Stock photography offers a broad choice of photos that may be bought and used for personal or business purposes.

Business of selling Stock photography in Pakistan is easy to start. 

Then, determine the market’s most popular photos. Pakistan landmarks, culture, and landscape photos are popular. 

Next, capture high-quality photos that suit market expectations and publish them to stock photography websites like Shutterstock, iStock, and Getty Images.

Equipment needed 

Camera – A DSLR camera is preferred, but a good quality smartphone camera can also work.

Lenses – Different lenses can be used to capture various types of photographs.

Tripod – A tripod can help stabilize the camera and prevent blurry photos.

Editing software – Software such as Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop can be used to edit the photos before uploading them to stock photography websites.

Skills needed 

Photography skills – Understanding the technical aspects of photography such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO is essential.

Creativity – The ability to capture unique and visually appealing photographs is important.

Editing skills – Basic editing skills are necessary to enhance the quality of the photographs.

Ways to make money

There are various ways to make money online through stock photography in Pakistan. 

Here are some of the ways:

Selling photographs on stock photography websites – When someone purchases your photograph, you earn a percentage of the sale.

Creating and selling your own stock photo bundles – You can create bundles of photographs on a specific theme and sell them online.

Offering customized photography services – Clients may want specific photographs for their business or project, and you can offer customized photography services to meet their needs.

Online Data Entry 

Online data entry has become an important industry in Pakistan due to its low cost and the country’s large population of educated individuals with basic computer skills. 

Many companies from around the world outsource their data entry work to Pakistan, creating job opportunities for many people.

Pakistan’s online data entry industry is simple to enter. Then, find trustworthy data entry jobs online. 

Data entry jobs may be found on freelancing websites like Upwork and Freelancer or online job marketplaces.

You’ll need the appropriate equipment and skills to work as a data entry clerk.

Equipment needed 

Computer – A desktop or laptop computer is required for online data entry work.

Internet connection – A stable and reliable internet connection is necessary for accessing online data entry systems and submitting completed work.

Keyboard – A keyboard with standard typing keys is necessary for entering data quickly and accurately.

Skills needed 

Typing skills – The ability to type quickly and accurately is essential for online data entry work.

Time management – The ability to manage time effectively and meet deadlines is important for online data entry work.

There are various ways to make money through online data entry work in Pakistan. Some of the ways include:

Freelancing – You can offer your services as an online data entry specialist on freelancing websites and earn money by completing projects for clients.

Data entry job portals – You can join online job portals that offer data entry jobs and apply for available jobs.

Remote work – You can work remotely for companies based in other countries that outsource their data entry work.

Final Thoughts

People in Pakistan may now money online from home. 

To succeed in the ever-changing digital world, generating money online involves hard effort, commitment, and constant learning. 

Pakistan may start a successful online job by following this blog post’s tips.

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