Affiliate Program: Its Pros, Cons And More

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Affiliate Marketing

Looking to join the affiliate program?

You will promote the freshest, best nuts, dried fruit, and other snacks to your audience.

The keto, or ketogenic, market is huge.

Its market is estimated to reach $15.27 billion by 2027.

It is crystal clear that the ketogenic diet is gaining popularity.

Thus, I recommend this affiliate partnership to content creators in the health and wellness niches.

Read our guide to learn everything you need to succeed as an affiliate.

Program Overview

A Synopsis Of The Program products

You will learn more about how the affiliate partnership works—qualifications, payments, and much more.

Platform: Shareasale  

Commission: 5%

Cookie duration: 30 days

Payment methods: Bank transfer, Payoneer

Minimum payout threshold: $50

Want to join now? Well, here is the link.

Via Shareasale

Does Have an Affiliate Program? home page

Yes, does have an affiliate program for the keto or health niche.

The program is managed through the Shareasale affiliate network.

Therefore, bloggers and influencers in the health and wellness niches are free to participate in this affiliate partnership.

What I know is that content creators with helpful content around keto or health niches are accepted into the program.

What is the affiliate program?

The affiliate program is a partnership scheme that pays affiliates who promote products through URL links in return for commissions.

For every sale affiliates generate, they are given credit for the sale in the form of a commission.

My research findings showed it was a good program.

Content creators in the health and wellness niches like it.

Secrets to Success!

Write articles that add value to your audience.

Do keyword research. Find long tail and low quality keywords.

Optimize your content. Write keywords in strategic positions – Title, sub -headings, and alt.

How Does Affiliate Program Work?

The partnership arrangement allows affiliates to promote in exchange for a commission on each sale.

I’m asking you to read the name again:

What is your first impression of the brand?

What do you think the company is all about?

I’m asking you as an affiliate.

There is something in the name that is coming out: nuts. aims to provide its customers with the freshest, best nuts, dried fruit, and other snacks.

Affiliates partner with the brand to promote the products through affiliate links in exchange for commissions.

When readers click on the affiliate links, they are sent to the product page.

If a reader makes a purchase, the affiliate gets paid a commission.

I hope the explanation is crystal clear.

Read also: Top Keto affiliate programs

Is the affiliate program free to join?

Yes, it is free.

Affiliates have been joining the program for free. 

Usually, they are not charged a dime because it is absolutely free to join.

What Products Can You Promote?


Almonds, cashews, pistachios, and walnuts

Not only are the nuts delicious, but they are also packed with nutrients. 

Affiliates promote them to their audience interested in protein, fiber, and healthy fats. 

The nuts are versatile; they can be eaten on their own, added to trail mix, or used in baking and cooking.

Dried fruit

Raisins, cranberries, and dried mangoes

Dried fruit is a snack.

These snacks are both sweet and nutritious.

Affiliates promote them to people in need of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

I discovered that they are also versatile.

Dried fruits are eaten on their own, added to yogurt or oatmeal, or used in baking and cooking.


Chocolatecovered nuts and dried fruit has a lot to offer. 

Candies are also available.

What is a candy?

Candy is a sweet and delicious treat.

What I like about these candies is that they come in flavors and textures. 

It is up to promote chocolate-covered nuts and dried fruit, hard candy, lollipops, and gummies.

Granola and cereal

Granola and cereal

Are you looking to promote Granola and cereal? 

I’m glad to inform you that they are available for promotion.

There are different varieties: whole grain, gluten-free, and vegan options.

Baking supplies

Flour, sugar, and cocoa powder

Affiliates also promote baking supplies to their audience. is just amazing – it offers almost everything.

You will promote flour, sugar, cocoa powder, and more. 

With these supplies, your audience can make delicious cookies, cakes, pies, and other desserts.

I’m sure your audience will like these supplies.

How Much Do Affiliates Make?

It is difficult to provide a single answer to this one-million-dollar question.

Why is this the case?

Affiliates make different amounts of money in commissions depending on their efforts, skills, and other factors. 

Honestly speaking, this is a difficult question.

Maybe just to give you an idea, from personal experience, affiliates make between $0 and $10,000 per month.

I hope I have satisfied your curiosity.

I want to talk about the commission rates now.

What are the commission rates?

The affiliate partnership has listed its commission rates. 

I came across these rates.

Affiliates get paid an 8% starting commission rate on each new customer order and 2% on each returning customer order.

Well, the 8% is not very good and it is not very bad.

Truly speaking, it makes sense especially if your blog receives decent traffic.

How long does the cookie last?

I found the cookie duration good. 

The cookie lasts for 30 days. 

So you don’t have to worry if a customer does not make a purchase immediately.

Because you will still get credit if they make a purchase later within 30 days of clicking on your affiliate link.

Thus, I have no issues with the length of the cookie.

How Do Affiliates Get Paid From

I need to state that the affiliate program is managed by the Shareasale affiliate network. 

The affiliate network pays publishers through Payoneer and bank transfers.

The minimum payout threshold is usually $50. 

So you have to hit a minimum of $50 each month to get paid your commission.

Marketing Materials and Promotional Tools 

Affiliates are given different tools to use.

Text links: Text links or URL links are the most effective affiliate tools. 

From personal experience, they are the best.

When readers click on the URL links, they are directed to the affiliate page.

But you need to use them properly to get the best results.

Your content must have calls to action to guide people on what you want them to do.

For example, sign up now or buy now.

Banners: Banners are another option.

However, banners are not as efficient as text links.

But don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying they are completely useless.

When used effectively, something tangible usually comes out. 

So you need to place them in strategic places. 

For example, sidebars.

Who Should Join the Affiliate Program?

Food bloggers and writers

Just as I said earlier, evolves around health and wellness niches. 

Thus,  food bloggers are part and parcel of this niche.

So food bloggers are the best candidates for this affiliate partnership.

With their food blog or write articles about food, they promote products to their audience.

Health and fitness bloggers and writers 

The keto diet by design reduces weight. 

Reduction in weight leads to a healthy life. 

So health and fitness bloggers and writers also join this affiliate program.

When you join, promote’s healthy snacks and other products to your audience.

Write blogs or write articles about health and fitness and include affiliate links in your content.

Lifestyle bloggers and writers

Did you know that this partnership program is also ideal for lifestyle bloggers and writers?

Yes! It is also ideal for lifestyle bloggers and writers.

All lifestyle bloggers and writers are free to join.

You will promote’s products to your audience.

Social media influencers

What people who have thousands of followers on social media?

Well, these are the social media influencers I’m talking about.

But do not misquote me.

It is not all social media influencers can join this affiliate partnership arrangement.

The program is meant for social media influencers in the health and wellness niches.

Join and promote the products to your loyal audience.

Email marketers

Email marketing is a great of doing affiliate marketing.

Do you have an email list of loyal subscribers who have been consuming health and wellness content?

If you do, then you have a gold mine. 

Send emails to them. 

In your emails, include your special links to the affiliate page.

When they open the emails, they will be directed to the affiliate page.

Once a purchase is made, you will earn a commission on the sale.

Is the Affiliate Program Worth It?

The program sells many products – nuts, dried fruit, candy, snacks, granola and cereal, baking supplies, chocolates, coffee and tea, and gifts.

I’m sure there is something your audience will like. 

Do you remember what I said earlier?

The brand is well known. 

Usually, well-known brands have a higher conversion rate.

With a well-planned strategy, affiliates usually make substantial amounts of money in commissions.


Availability of Many products

Becoming an affiliate for comes with many opportunities.

With, you will promote nuts, dried fruit, candy, snacks, granola and cereal, baking supplies, chocolates, coffee and tea, and gifts and baskets. 

This is good because you choose products that your audience likes.

Well-known brand

The brand is known. It is a famous online retailer of nuts. 

People who have used products know that it is a reputable company.

It sells only high-quality products.

Reliable tracking and payment system

Talking about the tracking system, the has a reliable tracking system. 

So you don’t have to worry about breaking your sweat in vain. 

Thus, you will be paid for all the sales generated through your affiliate links.

Good customer support

Honestly speaking, the program supports customers.

The support team answers questions from affiliates.

When there is a problem, the team troubleshoots the problem.

I’m sure this is the kind of support you need.

So whenever you need help, you will get it.


Competitive industry

Honestly speaking, the health and wellness niches are very competitive.

There are many content creator’s products in the niches.

Thus, it is difficult to stand out in the industry.

Long cookie duration

Some affiliates looked at so far have shorter cookie lives.

But this is not the same for This gives a 30-day cookie duration.

The long cookie life has advantages and disadvantages.

It is advantageous in that you will get credit for sales made within 30 days a visitor clicks on your affiliate link.

However, this can also disadvantage you.

You are more likely to compete with other affiliates for sales.

Well, this is how life is.

Minimum payout threshold

From my personal experience as a content creator, any minimum payout threshold of less than $100 is ok. 

It is friendly for content creators who are just starting out

So each month, you need to hit a minimum of $50 to get paid.

You will not receive any payments until you have earned at least $50.

Conclusion: Is the affiliate program worth it?

Yes, it is worth joining. is a famous company. 

Thus, a lot of your readers are likely to buy keto products through your affiliate links.

You don’t have to worry if your readers don’t buy keto products right away. 

You will get credit as long as a purchase is made within 30 days of clicking on your affiliate links.

So affiliates make real money.

How To Join the Program

Joining is simple. 

Just like I said earlier, the company is hosted by the Shareasale affiliate network.

First, sign up on the ShareASale affiliate network.

The affiliate network has made it clear that your application will be approved faster if you use an email address that matches the website in your profile.

Thus, when you apply to become a publisher on ShareAsale, use your domain-based email address.

For example, I applied using

Requirements to join the affiliate program

Anyone can join as long as your content is relevant to the products they sell.

However, there are affiliates from certain countries that are not accepted as a result of 

state tax nexus laws.

Such countries are Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Vermont and Washington.

Does Support Affiliates?

Yes, affiliates are supported. 

The partnership has a dedicated support team that helps affiliates succeed.

This team answers questions from affiliates and troubleshoots their problems.

They aim to ensure that affiliates succeed.

Tips For Success As An Affiliate

Build an email list

In affiliate marketing, an email list is extremely important.

When you consult or sell something, they will always be to support you.

They buy products through your affiliate links.

Thus, if you have an email list, then you have a market.

So start promoting the products to them.


Of course, SEO is not everything in affiliate marketing.

But I must state that you need to know the basics of SEO for you to succeed in affiliate marketing.

What is SEO?

In my understanding, SEO is optimizing your content so that it appears in search engines.

Content creators usually achieve this by doing keyword research and including the keyword in the title of the article and subheadings.

SEO is a cheaper way of driving traffic to the website.

With SEO, a content creator makes a lot of money.

Prioritize quality over quantity

Many content creators think that publishing low-quality blog posts is helpful.

Granted, you need to publish content often but not low-quality content.

There is an old saying that says content is king. 

Just imagine content is likened to a king.

It is crystal clear that content is extremely important.


Times are changing and so is the way of doing things.

What worked 2 years ago may not work now.

Because of this, it’s important to try different strategies until you find what works.

Be consistent

Affiliate marketing takes months even years to yield positive results.

So consistency and patience are needed. 

To retain your readers, make sure to write blog posts regularly so that they are always engaged.

Use Social media

Target platforms that are often used by thousands of people. 

Employ different strategies to get your message across. 

Social media is such a platform.

Promote the products to your followers on your social media handles.

Alternatives to the Affiliate Program

Perfect keto affiliate program

Perfect Keto’s goal is to improve health by providing products that promote good health.

The Perfect Keto affiliate program pays affiliates commission rates between 10% – 20% Per Sale.

Let’s talk about the cookie duration. 

It lasts for 30 days.

Diet to Go affiliate program

The Diet to Go affiliate program offers a high commission rate. 

It is managed by the Impact Radius affiliate network.

The program pays affiliates a commission rate of $40 per sale.

he cookie duration given is 45 days.

Built Bar affiliate program

The Built Bar affiliate program pays affiliates a 7% commission per sale. 

Granted, this is not a bad commission. 

But it’s not very good either.

Truly speaking, it is better than other affiliate programs.

Final Thoughts is a  lucrative affiliate scheme in the health and wellness niche.

The keto market is growing at lightning speed.

Tap into a vast audience that is looking for high-quality nuts, dried fruits, and other keto snacks. 

It is a win-win situation.

You earn commission while your audience achieves their health goals.

Join and enjoy the benefits of a successful market.

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