16 Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners: Tried, Actionable Ways

Written by Beatious Kahale

Last updated

Affiliate Marketing

It is crucial to possess a solid grasp of the finest affiliate programs suitable for beginners before delving into the realm of affiliate marketing.

These programs provide an excellent starting point for individuals who are just starting out in affiliate marketing. 

Understanding the best affiliate programs suitable for beginners is crucial in ensuring a successful start in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing has become a popular way of earning passive income. Several affiliate programs are available, but not all are suitable for beginners. 

The best affiliate programs for beginners are those that provide support tools such as training sessions, webinars, and tutorials. 

These tools allow beginners to gain the knowledge and skills to launch a successful affiliate marketing campaign.

In addition to providing support tools, beginner-friendly affiliate programs also offer high commission rates, easy-to-use platforms, and excellent customer service. 

These programs can help beginners earn significant income by promoting products that they believe in. 

Success in affiliate marketing hinges on finding the right program, so beginners should dedicate time to researching the top programs available.

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make a passive income through affiliate marketing. 

Join the best affiliate programs available and start earning today. 

Remember, with the right tools and guidance, anyone can be successful in affiliate marketing. 

Take action now and start building your affiliate marketing business.

Understanding Affiliate Programs For Beginners

For newcomers in the realm of affiliate marketing, comprehending the mechanics of affiliate programs can feel overwhelming.

If you are new to this field and want to understand affiliate programs, it is essential to start with the basics. 

Affiliate programs enable you to promote a company’s product or service, earning commissions for sales made through your referral link. 

To thrive in affiliate marketing, selecting the appropriate program that aligns with your audience’s interests and needs is paramount.

By selecting high-paying affiliate programs with a reputable company, you can maximize your earning potential. 

Apart from this, it is important to create engaging content that resonates with your audience to increase your click-through rate and drive more sales.

When starting with affiliate marketing, it is essential to take note of the various tools and resources that can help you efficiently manage your campaigns. 

These tools can include tracking software, social media scheduling tools, and email marketing services. 

Understanding how to use these resources can help you optimize your campaigns and improve your conversions.

I once struggled to find success in affiliate marketing until I discovered the importance of selecting the right affiliate programs and targeting the right audience.  

Follow best practices and take advantage of the right resources. You can master affiliate marketing and succeed in understanding affiliate programs.

Affiliate Networks vs. In-house Affiliate Marketing Programs

Affiliate marketing programs – Differences between in-house and affiliate networks

When choosing to become an affiliate marketer, beginners must decide whether to join an affiliate network or work with an in-house marketing program. 

In-house affiliate programs are typically run by individual businesses, while affiliate networks act as intermediaries connecting affiliates to multiple advertisers.

Below is a table highlighting the key differences:

FeaturesIn-house Affiliate ProgramsAffiliate Networks
BrandsRestrictive accessMultiple brands to promote
CommissionsHigher but varying terms across brandsLower but standardised commission rates
Personal RelationshipLower but standardized commission ratesInteraction with multiple brands and fellow affiliates

Affiliate networks allow for better opportunities to work with multiple brands and enjoy standardized commission rates.

However, in-house programs may provide higher commissions and stronger personal relationships with the brand. 

Those new to affiliate marketing should consider their goals and preferences in making a decision. 

It is also important to research specific programs and brands to ensure compatibility and success.

The Importance Of Ease Of Use In Affiliate Programs For Beginners

In the modern era of Internet marketing, the usability of affiliate programs is of utmost importance. 

The success of such programs depends on the ease of use that they offer their users. The simpler the system, the more successful it is likely to be. 

The importance of ease of use in affiliate programs is significant because it directly affects the user experience and, consequently, the results. 

Hence, selecting user-friendly programs is instrumental in achieving favorable outcomes.

Affiliate program managers should ensure that their systems are easy to navigate and operate

They should provide tools and resources that simplify the process, such as detailed tutorials and customer support. 

Moreover, any obstacles or confusion in the system should be minimized, or better yet, eliminated. 

If these elements are not present, users are likely to abandon the program, leading to a loss for both parties

Therefore, it is necessary that affiliate programs prioritize ease of use, to avoid such issues, maintain positive user experiences, and maximize potential outcomes.

It is imperative to note that the importance of ease of use in affiliate programs extends beyond just attracting novice users. 

Even experienced marketers and advertisers seek out user-friendly systems that streamline their work processes and make their tasks more manageable. 

They value clear and concise instructions and straightforward interfaces, as they can devote more time to their campaigns. 

Therefore, affiliate program managers must put in the effort to make accessibility a top priority, even for skilled users.

In the past, an affiliate program’s complexity potentially caused confusion and misunderstandings amongst users, resulting in impaired performance. 

The Role of Affiliate Managers

Affiliate managers play an essential role in managing affiliate programs effectively. 

They act as the primary point of communication between merchants and affiliates. 

Merchants rely on affiliate managers to recruit and engage affiliates, monitor their performance and progress, manage payouts, and resolve issues. 

On the other hand, affiliates count on affiliate managers to get updated information about products.

Affiliate managers must possess strong communication and interpersonal skills to build and maintain relationships with their affiliates. 

They must be proactive in reaching out to potential partners and maintaining relationships with existing affiliates. 

Additionally, they should also have a strong understanding of the industry and be able to keep up-to-date with the latest trends.

Pro Tip: Regularly communicate with your affiliates and provide them with personalized support to maintain long-term relationships.

Commission And Payments: Net 30, 60, And 90

Commissioning and payments are important aspects of affiliate marketing, and understanding them is crucial for success. 

Net 30, 60, and 90 are payment terms used by many affiliate programs. 

Net 30 means payment will be made 30 days after the end of the month in which the sale was made. 

Similarly, net 60 means payment will be made 60 days after the end of the month in which the sale was made.

While net 90 means payment will be made 90 days after the end of the month in which the sale was made. 

It is important to consider these time frames when selecting an affiliate program to work with.

Commission and Payments: Net 30, 60, and 90 can vary from one affiliate program to another.

Here is a table that provides an overview of the commission rates and payment terms for five popular affiliate programs:

Affiliate ProgramCommission RatePayment Terms
Amazon Associates1-10%Net 60
eBay Partner Network50-70%Net 30
Shopify Affiliate Program200%Net 30
ClickbankVariesNet 30
ShareASaleVariesNet 20

Each program has different commission rates and payment terms, so it is important to carefully read and understand the terms and conditions before signing up.

In addition to payment terms, it is important to consider other factors when selecting an affiliate program.

These are products or services being offered, the level of support provided, and the reputation of the program.

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16 Best Affiliate Marketing Programs For Beginners

Are you a beginner looking to start affiliate marketing? 

With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which affiliate programs are the best fit for your needs.

In this guide, I will be sharing some of the best affiliate programs suitable for beginners. 

We’ll be diving into various options like:

  • Amazon Associates Affiliate Program
  • CJ Affiliate Program
  • ShareASale Affiliate Program
  • ClickBank Affiliate Program
  • and many more…

By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to decide which program is the right fit for you.

Amazon Associates Affiliate Program

The affiliate marketing program managed by Amazon is a popular e-commerce initiative referred to as the Amazon Associates affiliate program.

  • It is one of the oldest and most reputable programs of its kind, with an extensive array of products to market.
  • Participants earn commissions for referrals, sales, and other qualifying actions taken by their audience.
  • Amazon provides associates with tools like widgets and an easy-to-use dashboard.
  • Commissions vary depending on the product category but can exceed 10%.

Amazon Associates affiliate program boasts numerous benefits in addition to ease of use. 

For instance, participants have access to world-class support and customer experience from competent affiliate managers.

These affiliate managers help to resolve all doubts that arise during participation.

Read also: Fashion affiliate programs

CJ Affiliate Program

The CJ affiliate program, also known as the Commission Junction affiliate program, is a popular affiliate network connecting advertisers and publishers. 

It offers a wide range of products and brands to promote and earn commissions. 

Publishers can choose from various ad formats and tracking options to optimize their performance.

CJ offers advanced reporting tools and analytics to track clicks, impressions, conversions, and earnings. 

It provides real-time data to help publishers make informed decisions and increase revenue. 

CJ’s dedicated support team ensures prompt assistance in case of any issues or queries.

Furthermore, CJ’s payment terms are flexible with Net-20, Net-30, and Net-60 options available for quick payments

Its threshold is relatively low at $50 for direct deposit or check payments which makes it easier for beginners to receive their commissions.

In a recent report published by Influencer Marketing Hub, CJ was ranked as one of the top affiliate networks in 2021 based on several factors.

These factors include reputation, market size, ease of use, and leading brands/products offered.

CJ (Commission Junction) affiliate program is an excellent choice for beginner publishers seeking a reliable partner in their affiliate marketing journey.

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ShareASale Affiliate Program

ShareASale is a top affiliate marketing program for beginners. 

It provides user-friendly features, an easy-to-use interface, and the ability to access various advertiser products. 

With its comprehensive dashboard that enables retailers’ interactive management, the program allows clients to track their progress efficiently. 

ShareASale offers commission rates designed to benefit both parties of the merchant-affiliate relationship interchangeably.

Merchants can post commission rates they believe will attract high-performing affiliates while reviewing their applications before seeing if they fit any of the minimum requirement criteria. 

ShareASale platform provides monitoring tools that allow merchants to access reports, sale confirmation quantity statistics across product categories, and monthly reports with details on performance metrics.

ShareASale’s chief advantage remains its ability to support affiliates from a wide range of different sectors such as fashion, food and drink, and software provision amongst other things. 

This is quite impressive given that not many programs offer this level of diversity options.

Great consideration for potential clients exists through incentivized promotions which provide additional revenue streams. 

Should you elect to take part in any promotional efforts above board then you are sure to gain traction.

Many who use ShareASale have reported increased profits through taking part in online ventures more so than ever before.

Read also: Food and drink affiliate programs

ClickBank Affiliate Program

ClickBank is a popular affiliate program that allows marketers to sell other sellers’ digital products. 

Here are 5 key points regarding the ClickBank affiliate program:

  1. ClickBank offers commission rates as high as 75% on digital products.
  2. There is no minimum sales requirement for affiliates to receive payment from ClickBank.
  3. The platform provides extensive reporting and tracking features, including real-time data.
  4. ClickBank offers marketing tools such as landing pages and email swipes for affiliates to promote products.
  5. The sign-up process for ClickBank is easy, with no upfront fees.

It’s worth noting that ClickBank has been around since 1998 and has built a strong reputation in the world of affiliate marketing. 

A pro tip when using the ClickBank affiliate program is to carefully choose which products to promote based on factors such as gravity ranking and commission rates.

Joining the Rakuten Advertising affiliate program is like having a secret weapon in your online marketing arsenal.

Rakuten Advertising Affiliate Program

The affiliate program offered by Rakuten Advertising is a top pick for marketers.

  • Commission rates are competitive, and several promotional materials are available to assist in driving sales, including email newsletters, banners, and text links.
  • With its easy-to-use platform, it’s an excellent choice for new publishers just starting with affiliate marketing.
  • Rakuten Advertising has a dedicated team of affiliate managers who proactively work with their partners to help maximize the platform’s potential.
  • The program offers a range of tools to track performance and commission payments processed efficiently.
  • Statistics on conversions, clicks, impressions, EPC (earnings per click), commissions, and other metrics are available at any time.
  • Their store-based feature allows consumers to buy from multiple retailers all over the world using a single account.

Rakuten Advertising stands out because of its dedicated team of affiliate managers who provide outstanding support to their partners.

In a study conducted by Business Insider Intelligence in 2021, Rakuten ranked third in US digital ad revenue market share behind only Google and Facebook respectively.

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Impact Affiliate Program

The Impact affiliate platform is a comprehensive program for affiliate marketing that connects advertisers with publishers to increase their reach and revenue. 

It provides advanced features such as real-time tracking, optimization, and automated payouts. 

The platform helps manage partnerships efficiently through detailed analytics and customized dashboards. 

Furthermore, the program offers a user-friendly interface making it easy for beginners to manage campaigns.

Moreover, the Impact affiliate program integrates with other marketing solutions such as email marketing, content management systems, and social media platforms. 

This ensures streamlined communication across channels leading to optimized results. 

With its global network of advertisers and affiliates, the program provides access to multiple niches in various industries like fashion, travel, technology, health, beauty, and more.

In-house Advertisers including Etsy and Nike use Impact’s Partnership Cloud software for their programs. 

Since its inception in 2008 as Impact Radius till its rebranding in 2018 as ‘Impact’ it has amassed over $27 billion worth of partnership transactions with thousands of our clients including Uber Eats and Airbnb.

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Awin Affiliate Program

Awin offers a vast selection of advertisers across various niches, including fashion, travel, and technology.

Publishers can access real-time reporting of campaign performance and optimize their campaigns accordingly.

The platform provides tools like deep linking and promotional banners, making it easier for publishers to promote products effectively.

Advertisers benefit from Awin’s fraud prevention measures and its ability to track referrals accurately.

Awin’s commission rates are competitive, with options for both cost-per-action (CPA) and cost-per-click (CPC) payouts.

Their excellent customer service includes in-house affiliate managers who provide personalized support to both publishers and advertisers.

Unique details about Awin include a user-friendly interface and informative blog posts aimed at helping beginners get started in affiliate marketing.

The history of Awin goes back to 1996 when it began as one of the first networks to offer performance-based commissions. 

It has since grown into an industry leader in global affiliate marketing with over 15 branches worldwide.

Looking for a way to monetize your love for handmade goods? Check out the Etsy affiliate program!

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Etsy Affiliate Program

This affiliate program is called the Etsy affiliate program. 

It is one of the best programs for beginners and offers an opportunity to earn money by promoting handmade or vintage items, along with craft supplies. 

Affiliates can earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through personalized links.

The Etsy affiliate program requires an application process to join and provides promotional materials like banners and links. 

The program offers competitive commissions on sales and tracks performance metrics for affiliates. 

The program is designed to be user-friendly, providing excellent tools for tracking payments and overall earnings.

In addition to its wide range of options, the Etsy affiliate program also offers unique benefits such as early access to deals, exclusive content, and promotions to promote their brands further.

Etsy has come a long way since its inception in 2005 as an online marketplace for selling handmade goods. 

Today, it’s a global platform that promotes innovative designers worldwide. 

Now that the platform has grown beyond expectations over the years, with millions of vendors on board from all over the world.

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eBay Partner Network Affiliate Program

The eBay Partner Network offers an affiliate program that allows individuals and businesses to earn commissions.

Promote eBay products on their websites or social media channels. 

The program provides a range of tools and resources to help affiliates optimize their earnings, including access to real-time reporting and customizable widgets.

Affiliates can promote a vast selection of products across categories such as electronics, fashion, home & garden, and more. 

Commissions are based on a percentage of the final sale price and can vary depending on the product category.

Additionally, the eBay Partner Network offers a robust suite of APIs that allow developers to create custom integrations with eBay’s platform.

A true fact: According to Statista, eBay’s global net revenue from 2016 to 2020 amounted to over $41 billion.

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Fiverr Affiliate Program

The affiliate program provided by Fiverr is an excellent marketing opportunity for its users. 

Through this program, users can earn a commission by promoting Fiverr’s services to others and bringing in new clients. 

The Fiverr affiliate program provides promotional materials, personal tracking links, and real-time updates on earnings.

In addition to these features, the Fiverr affiliate program offers one of the highest commissions in the industry, with up to $150 per sale. 

This program has a 30-day cookie duration and it can be promoted using email marketing, social media promotion, and website clicks.

Unique details about the Fiverr affiliate program include its dashboard functionality which helps to monitor clicks and conversion rates in real time. 

Users can also choose from different types of promotions such as video advertisements, text links or banners.

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Refersion Marketplace

Refersion Marketplace provides access to thousands of high-quality products and services across various niches.

  • It allows users to track and monitor their affiliate commissions in real-time, using advanced reporting tools and analytics.
  • Refersion Marketplace supports multiple commission structures, such as percentage-based payouts, flat-rate payouts, and custom commission rates.
  • Users can easily connect with merchants, advertisers, and other affiliates on the platform, to exchange ideas and collaborate on promotional activities.
  • Refersion Marketplace offers excellent customer support and fosters an inclusive community-driven approach toward affiliate marketing.

Moreover, Refersion Marketplace is mobile-responsive, making it easy for users to access its features and functions on the go.

A true fact about Refersion Marketplace is that it has been named one of the Top 20 affiliate networks by mThink Blue Book three years in a row (2018-2020).

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PepperJam Network

Advertisers can list their products on the network and set commission rates for publishers who drive traffic or leads. 

On the other hand, publishers can promote these products through their websites, blogs, social media, or email marketing.

Furthermore, PepperJam Network has a user-friendly interface with easy navigation to create campaigns and track performance. 

The program also offers support from experienced affiliate managers who help advertisers and publishers maximize their ROI.

A successful story associated with PepperJam Network is that it helped grow an online apparel store’s revenue by over 50%. 

Leverage the network’s powerful tools such as targeted ads campaigns through social media influencers.

They drive high-quality traffic to their website resulting in increased sales.

FlexOffers Affiliate Program

FlexOffers is an affiliate marketing platform that publishers and advertisers can use to promote their products.

  • FlexOffers has a wide range of verticals including health, beauty, finance, software, and more.
  • They offer high payouts with CPA, CPC, and CPL pricing models available.
  • The platform features real-time tracking of conversions and commissions and allows for easy integration with various ad formats.
  • FlexOffers has a user-friendly dashboard that enables publishers to easily manage their campaigns and track their earnings.
  • They have great support for affiliates including helpful resources such as webinars, training videos, and industry news.

Unique from other networks, FlexOffers has exclusive offers partnered only with them that are unique in the digital marketing space.

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Avangate Affiliate Program

The Avangate affiliate program offers a user-friendly platform for both beginners and experienced marketers to promote their software products. 

Boasting high conversion rates and a wide range of product options, Avangate’s affiliate program provides affiliates with robust reports and analytics tools to enhance performance tracking. 

They offer customizable landing pages and real-time access to all customer activity data, making it easier for affiliates to optimize their campaigns.

Additionally, Avangate offers secure payments with flexible payout options, including PayPal, wire transfer, and global ACH payouts. 

Their dedicated support team is available 24/7 to address any concerns or issues that may arise.

Pro Tip: Affiliates should fully utilize the analytic tools available in the Avangate platform to optimize their campaign performance and increase revenue.

MaxBounty Affiliate Program

MaxBounty offers a performance-based affiliate marketing program for individuals or businesses looking to monetize their online traffic.

  • Offers high payouts with commissions ranging from $20-$40 for every action completed by the referred customer.
  • Provides access to a variety of niches, including dating, finance, health, and more.
  • Offers free training and support through their blog, forums, and personalized account managers.
  • Uses advanced tracking technology to ensure accurate reporting and commission payouts.

axBounty is a reliable option that stands out due to its high commission rates and diverse niches available.

It’s worth noting that MaxBounty implements strict approval standards for its affiliates.

You must have an established online presence before being accepted into the program. 

As such, beginners may need to establish themselves within the industry before applying.

To succeed in the MaxBounty affiliate program or any other affiliate marketing venture:

  • Choose the right niche according to your interests and knowledge.
  • Create quality content that provides value for your audience.
  • Promote products or services authentically – avoid spam or overly sales language.
  • Utilize various promotional strategies such as email marketing or social media advertising.

LinkConnector Affiliate Program

This program is an affiliate network that helps businesses to manage their affiliate programs effectively. 

It aims to create a performance-driven marketing solution for both advertisers and affiliates.

The LinkConnector affiliate program boasts advanced and innovative technologies.

These include customizable communication tools such as custom link generators, deep linking, and more.

The platform provides tracking solutions and real-time reporting capabilities, which enable businesses to make data-driven decisions. 

Its payout system is also flexible, enabling you to receive payments via check or direct deposit in multiple currencies. 

The program also offers various commission models, including pay-per-sale, pay-per-lead, or click.

The LinkConnector affiliate program’s unique feature is its patented naked link Technology® which provides accurate tracking of every click through any traffic source while maintaining SEO integrity. 

This means affiliates don’t have to disclose links explicitly, hence increasing credibility for websites with organic content.

LinkConnector affiliate program has been in operation since 2004 with over 2,500 participating merchants globally. 

Their unique technology features maintain the program’s competitiveness among other well-known affiliate networks in the market.

Five Facts About Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners:

  • There are thousands of high-paying affiliate programs to choose from. 
  • Choosing the wrong affiliate program could potentially set a beginner back months. 
  • Affiliate networks can be more beneficial than in-house affiliate marketing programs. 
  • When choosing an affiliate program, it is important to consider ease of use and commission/payment schedules. 
  • Some of the best affiliate programs include Amazon Associates, CJ (Commission Junction), ShareASale, and ClickBank. 

Final Thoughts

The best affiliate programs for beginners offer ease of use, helpful affiliate managers, and fair commission and payment policies. 

Amazon Associates, CJ Affiliate, and ShareASale are among the top choices for beginners, but there are many other good options available.

FAQs About Best Affiliate Programs For Beginners

What are high-paying affiliate programs for beginners?

Some of the best high-paying affiliate programs for beginners include Amazon Associates, CJ Affiliate, ShareASale, ClickBank, Rakuten Advertising, and Awin

These programs offer a variety of products and services to promote, making it easy to get started in affiliate marketing.

How can I choose the right affiliate program for my authority site on outdoor sporting equipment?

Sign up for multiple affiliate marketing programs for different manufacturers and suppliers.

Alternatively, sign up for an affiliate network that can connect you with the majority of the product suppliers you want to work with. 

The sensible route for beginners is to sign up with affiliate networks and go from there.

What is the significance of product suppliers in affiliate marketing?

Product suppliers are very important in affiliate marketing because they are the ones who produce the products or services that affiliates promote. 

Without product suppliers, there would be no products or services to promote, making it impossible for affiliate marketers to earn commissions.

Can I promote niche products like replica lightsabers through affiliate marketing?

Yes, you can promote niche products like replica lightsabers through affiliate marketing. 

However, some affiliate programs only exist outside of affiliate networks, so you may have to sign up directly with them individually.

Why is a good support staff important in affiliate marketing?

A good support staff is important in affiliate marketing because things can go wrong from time to time. 

Links may stop working or you may have questions about your sales reports. 

A dedicated affiliate manager can help you solve these problems and ensure a smooth affiliate marketing experience.

What should I consider when looking at commission and payment terms in affiliate marketing programs?

When looking at commission and payment terms in affiliate marketing programs, you should consider how much you’ll get paid and when you’ll actually get paid. 

Most affiliate programs are Net 30, meaning you’ll get paid 30 days after making a sale. 

However, some programs may be Net 60 or even Net 90, meaning you won’t get paid for 60 or 90 days respectively.

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